Marijean Oldham reads from her new book Secret Charlottesville, a Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure at New Dominion Bookshop
Marijean Oldham at New Dominion Bookshop reading.

Secret Charlottesville, A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure (2021 Reedy Press)


As someone who loves Charlottesville but finds himself a little rusty since my U.Va. graduation, I found this book filled with terrific, up-to-date places to check out on my next visit…. would NEVER have found them on my own! The author has done great research and curated a wonderful blend of sites. I only wish there were a Secret Guide for my own transplant-city!  — Tripp Evans

I’ve lived in Charlottesville for nearly 25 years and I learned a whole slew of great things about our little city. I love the easy, information-packed style and all the adventures that are possible…even if it’s just within these pages! Great gift for visitors and residents…and anyone interested in our history city!  —Frank Bergland

This is a fun and easygoing guide to Charlottesville—for those visiting, perhaps, or getting ready to retire here. Or, for that matter, folks like me who’ve lived here a while but need to get out more! You’ll find music; art; food, wine, and cocktails; architecture, and, of course, history, both the kind we’ve always celebrated (looking at you, TJ) and the kind that for too long we’ve hidden or hidden from. Oldham’s perspective is generous and eclectic. She clearly loves the community and this book provides eighty-four reasons why.

I’ve lived in Charlottesville for decades and still learned new things from “Secret Charlottesville.” The book is just chock full of interesting tidbits, fun activities, and adventures both big and small. The author knows this area well and written a genuinely helpful guide. — Jennifer Brecht


Marijean Oldham in the Reedy Press warehouse in St. Louis with the newly released third edition of 100 Things to Do in Charlottesville Before You Die.
At the Reedy Press warehouse with the hot-off-the-presses third edition.

100 Things to Do in Charlottesville Before You Die, 3rd Edition (2022 Reedy Press)

The book truly exceeded my expectations. I am carrying this little gem around in my purse these days just to make sure that I always have it handy – summer is a great time in Charlottesville and there are so many things to do – but you have to know where to find them! This books helps identify cool locations, unusual events and the stuff that you might just pass by if you didn’t know about it. As a resident (5 years) of this town I find it a helpful reference guide. I LOVE the tips also that go along with identifying events or things to do, so you get the best bang for your “buck” or time investment. This is a great gift for anyone who is visiting here and really even very useful for a resident.  — Mickey Kampsen

I really like this book. I’ve lived in Charlottesville for 21 years, so a lot of it isn’t new to me. But I was surprised at how much of it was. There really were a lot of things in it that I hadn’t done or seen yet, and when I was done going through it I had a great list of fun activities to anticipate. I had a wonderful time, too, reading through the great descriptions of the things that I’ve already done. Such fun to recall so many good times.

The thing that I really love about this book though, is that I can send it to friends and family who will be visiting me in Charlottesville, and they can work up an itinerary before they get here. Most of them know that there’s a lot of fun to be had here, but with this they can figure out exactly where they want to go and what they want to do. It’s not easy for a visitor to a new town to get a jump like that, but this book gives a leg up to anyone who’s coming to see me.